Third TDM of Biologics SYMPOSIUM
9 December 2022 – Amsterdam Public Library (OBA)
Therapeutic drug monitoring of biologics:
towards personalised medicine
08.30 – 09.15
Registration & welcome coffee
09.15 – 09.45
Opening: Treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases in a personalised way.
Gertjan Wolbink, MD PhD, Reade & Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Finding the Therapeutic window
Session chairs: Theo Rispens, PhD & Mark Löwenberg, MD PhD
09.45 – 10.05
Use of TDM of biologics in rheumatology: beyond the NOR-DRUM Study.
Guro L Goll, MD PhD, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway
10.05 – 10.25
Personalised dosing in multiple sclerosis: current studies and future prospects.
Zoé van Kempen, MD PhD, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10.25 – 10.40
Optimal cut-off serum levels of biologics in inflammatory bowel disease.
Krisztina Gecse, MD PhD, Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10.40 – 11.00
Panel discussion
11.00 – 11.40
Clinical use of TDM of biologics in different pathologies
Session chairs: Annick de Vries, PhD & Gertjan Wolbink, MD PhD
11.40 – 11.55
Good use of expensive drug.
Sjoerd Repping, PhD, Zorgevaluatie en Gepast Gebruik and Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11.55 – 12.05
Creating a Network for TDM of biologics: European cooperation in science and technology, ENOTTA.
Denis Mulleman, MD PhD, COST Action Chair, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Tours and Université de Tours, Tours, France
12.05 – 12.20
One biologic for multiple diseases, multiple biologics in one disease.
Floris Loeff, PhD, Sanquin Health Solutions, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
12.20 – 12.40
TDM of biologics in oncology – do or don’t?
Rob ter Heine, PhD, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
12.40 – 13.00
Panel discussion
13.00 – 14.10
Deeper understanding of the PK of biologics
Session chairs: Ron Mathôt, PhD & Johan van Limbergen, MD PhD
14.10 – 14.30
Bridging pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Theo Rispens, PhD, Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
14.30 – 14.50
Mechanistic, multi-Scale mathematical model of immunogenicity for therapeutic proteins.
Timothy Hickling, PhD, Roche, Basel, Switzerland
14.50 – 15.10
Panel discussion
15.10 – 15.45
Last hurdles to general implementation of TDM of biologics
Session chairs: Geert D’Haens, MD PhD & Phyllis Spuls, MD PhD
15.45 – 16:05
Charlotte L.M. Krieckaert, MD, PhD Reade Amsterdam The Netherlands
16.05 – 16.20
Clinical application of dashboard systems.
Jurij Hanzel, MD PhD, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
16.20 – 16.35
Patient perspective on TDM of biologics.
Maureen Leeuw, Msc, Reade, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
16.35 – 17.00
Panel discussion & closing
FAREWELL DRINKS and network reception